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DJW at Pinewood Studios at London Lift-Off

BEST ACTOR NOMINATIONS do not come easily.

Daniel-John Williams (Company Director at DJW Talent) was the casting Director for the award winning A Six & Two Threes, a BFI.Network funded short film based in Teesside. Written and Directed by the incredibly talented Andy Berriman.

Produced by Candle & Bell.

The lead actor was sourced through multiple casting sessions held in Teesside and ran by DJW along side the director. Shane Teasdale was eventually offered the part and his talent was raw and unfiltered.

His work was recognised by everyone who watched the film and it was shown at numerous film festivals around the world with standing ovations in packed out cinemas and Shane ended up being nominated for BEST Actor at the London-Lift Off Film Festival which was a red carper event held at Pinewood Studios.

Nominations for Lift-Off Season Best Actor

1) Thea Beyleveld – I Want to be Happy Cha Cha Cha 2) Hasam Ghancy – The Way of Tea 3) Magdalena McNab – När Tårarna Fallit (When Tears Have Fallen) 4) Shane Teasdale – A Six and Two Threes 5) Shaun Dooley – Cowboy Ben

** Winner Hasam Ghancy – The Way of Tea.

Shane had never performed before and we received lots of film offers for Shane after this. Daniel and DJW Talent worked closely with Shane for a while after this film and Shane was unsure which project to accept next and so decided to take a break.

We hope to get more actors to this position and we wish Shane the very best of luck for his future career choices.

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DJW Talent LTD Company Number: 10628250,  

Company Registered in England & Wales​

Managing Director: Emma Louise Teasdale 

Company Founder & Director: Daniel-John Williams

DJW Films LTD Company Number: 13790211,

Company Registered in England & Wales

Managing Director: Emma Louise Teasdale 

Company Founder & Director: Daniel-John Williams


DJW TALENT LTD (2017) DJW Films LTD (2021)

(Launched 2015)


All rights reserved.     



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GOLD WINNER 2015-2023 _ DJW Talent
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